Monday in Springtime
Here, because it has been springlike-weather all weekend (to my great irritation: Why is it shorts-and-sandals weather in second-half of November!? I was shaking my fist at the sky all weekend. Do Not want to get sick due to yo-yo weather. But, if ya can't beat 'em, join 'em!)and even moreso today, follow a collection of summery items:

This is a long-long overdue show-off of the wonderfully citrus-y exchange I received from dear Ann (who is offering a charming swap today; head on over!) as her recipient in the Tiny Treasures Exchange (Floss Tag). The floss tag has appeared in the corners of some photos in my blog before, and says "Bobbins" on the primary side. The other two items are the extras she made for me--a complete "Sewing Set"!

The reverse side of the tag and the inside of the necessities pouch; so many nice pockets and a felt for needles and pins. How nicely it is made!

A details pic--see the hand-crocheted button loop? And the star-shaped stitch she used to attach the felt? And the beautiful embellishment on the sleeve keeper (In my ignorance I don't know what it is officially. I've been tucking my floss or smalls in-progress into it to keep them clean for travel).
Thank you so much, Ann, for this Exchange. I really do "treasure" it and have not put it away since it came in. I felt a little guilty about it at first because I read on her blog that she had been making the tag from before the exchange assignment and so perhaps had parted from it with difficulty upon seeing that the "bobbins" matched my initial. I hope it has not seemed that you gave it up only to have me not really appreciate it due to my late blogging of it, Ann! I completely love it!
And, here is a souvenir of my first encounter with the kindness of Stitchy Bloggers:

Some months ago I had been really admiring this darling "Watermelon Sampler" by Window Garden Designs which I came across on Terri's blog while googling for unusual alphabet samplers. Well, it was of course out of print, though at this point I was so green that I didn't know there was such a thing) until eventually I gave up and decided to try asking her directly if she had any leads on where I could buy a copy. She didn't though she very generously offered me her copy!! Stiching Bloggers are the Nicest People--I asked in person at the LNS only to have the owner not even know the designer at all. Another lady there did know it, had made every chart in the series, and proceeded to gloat very smugly about how she owned them all, had stitched them all multiple times...what a great fast stitch they great they were as a traveling stitch...and how she thought she'd do it again over one now that I'd brought it to her remembrance... I'll never forget her smug face! And this was when I was *brand new* and even said so sweetly. Honestly, would it have killed her to give me a copy of it? (Copyright be damned; if you're OOP and Out of Business and don't leave me a P.O. box to mail your Ten-Buckses to if I give out copies of your work, then that's just tough. I respect copyright, but consider that to be a morally gray area). Realistically, she's under no obligation to do anything for me at all, but was there any call to convert it into a gloat-session?*end rant* So, I had no expectation of a loan or any help at all from Terri, really, and was shocked by her kindness.

The first photo was *supposed* to show that the linen was a (28ct?) pastel yellow with the sparkly threads shot through here and there; Opalescence, is it? This one shows the stitches to better advantage, though the linen is still washed out. I already have a charming 5" frame for this, but have been putting it off because I'm playing around with stitching in a background to give it a "pinstripe" effect and "square out" the design. Also, I'd like to personalize it somehow, and haven't settled upon a method.

And because it really is Autumn after all, a Darling Roast, all seared up and ready to begin his day in the bath. :D Don't you love his "deglazed bits" accessory?
Can a Roast be of male gender (And be accessorized)? Yes, and yes.
I'm off to find an umbrella to put in my drink, but I remain
This is a long-long overdue show-off of the wonderfully citrus-y exchange I received from dear Ann (who is offering a charming swap today; head on over!) as her recipient in the Tiny Treasures Exchange (Floss Tag). The floss tag has appeared in the corners of some photos in my blog before, and says "Bobbins" on the primary side. The other two items are the extras she made for me--a complete "Sewing Set"!
The reverse side of the tag and the inside of the necessities pouch; so many nice pockets and a felt for needles and pins. How nicely it is made!
A details pic--see the hand-crocheted button loop? And the star-shaped stitch she used to attach the felt? And the beautiful embellishment on the sleeve keeper (In my ignorance I don't know what it is officially. I've been tucking my floss or smalls in-progress into it to keep them clean for travel).
Thank you so much, Ann, for this Exchange. I really do "treasure" it and have not put it away since it came in. I felt a little guilty about it at first because I read on her blog that she had been making the tag from before the exchange assignment and so perhaps had parted from it with difficulty upon seeing that the "bobbins" matched my initial. I hope it has not seemed that you gave it up only to have me not really appreciate it due to my late blogging of it, Ann! I completely love it!
And, here is a souvenir of my first encounter with the kindness of Stitchy Bloggers:
Some months ago I had been really admiring this darling "Watermelon Sampler" by Window Garden Designs which I came across on Terri's blog while googling for unusual alphabet samplers. Well, it was of course out of print, though at this point I was so green that I didn't know there was such a thing) until eventually I gave up and decided to try asking her directly if she had any leads on where I could buy a copy. She didn't though she very generously offered me her copy!! Stiching Bloggers are the Nicest People--I asked in person at the LNS only to have the owner not even know the designer at all. Another lady there did know it, had made every chart in the series, and proceeded to gloat very smugly about how she owned them all, had stitched them all multiple times...what a great fast stitch they great they were as a traveling stitch...and how she thought she'd do it again over one now that I'd brought it to her remembrance... I'll never forget her smug face! And this was when I was *brand new* and even said so sweetly. Honestly, would it have killed her to give me a copy of it? (Copyright be damned; if you're OOP and Out of Business and don't leave me a P.O. box to mail your Ten-Buckses to if I give out copies of your work, then that's just tough. I respect copyright, but consider that to be a morally gray area). Realistically, she's under no obligation to do anything for me at all, but was there any call to convert it into a gloat-session?*end rant* So, I had no expectation of a loan or any help at all from Terri, really, and was shocked by her kindness.
The first photo was *supposed* to show that the linen was a (28ct?) pastel yellow with the sparkly threads shot through here and there; Opalescence, is it? This one shows the stitches to better advantage, though the linen is still washed out. I already have a charming 5" frame for this, but have been putting it off because I'm playing around with stitching in a background to give it a "pinstripe" effect and "square out" the design. Also, I'd like to personalize it somehow, and haven't settled upon a method.
And because it really is Autumn after all, a Darling Roast, all seared up and ready to begin his day in the bath. :D Don't you love his "deglazed bits" accessory?
Can a Roast be of male gender (And be accessorized)? Yes, and yes.
I'm off to find an umbrella to put in my drink, but I remain
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