Friday the 13th: One Week Later

Hello, Everyone! Let's see if I can keep my windbag act, well, in the bag this morning (don't hold your breath; 3 hours sleep again as Dear Marc pulled an all-nighter for work.)

This week's progress on PS 148 When Witches Go Riding:

I'm not too happy with my progress on this for a number of reasons. (Still waiting on more fibers; just how slow can one woman stitch; should have finished the very last bit on Sunlit Sky instead, but followed alt. specialty stitch plan made for me at LNS for roof and it was not centered in the end!! But, when I see it in the hosting album alongside the previous pic I can't help being favorably impressed.)

The first of my Birthday Stash arrived yesterday. From Right: Birds of a Feather Meadowlark 36ct (it even shows in a stamp at the binding) and Birds of a Feather Sparrow 32ct. That other triangle is a corner of When Witches (Which is R&R Pilgrim Brown) I tossed in to show how positively pale it looks alongside the other two I *thought* it was brown but now see it as somewhere in the neighborhood of "off white": These BoF linens have GUTS. In last night's artificial light the Sparrow almost seemed to do a red n' green clash with itself, but thankfully sunlight shows it to better advantage. I've been seeing these for a while over at Edgar's, and so am really happy to finally have some samples. I had hoped to use the Meadowlark for an upcoming exchange, but now see that it doesn't suit my fibers: one of 'em 'll have to go--this qsnap ain't big enough for the both of 'em. :P Well, in any case, I have other plots, too. I think this stuff just can't be topped for prim and Hallowe'en stitching. My head might explode trying to calculate what to do first! I could go for the finishing combo: a Prim Halloween design--Be still my heart!

Here's a Birthday present from Marc of one of my favorite perfumes. While I do think the bottle is just as pretty as the fragrance contained within, the point of this pic...

...would be the thread drops I up-cycled the paper box into! Now, my "production" skills are rusty in recent years, but I still feel pleased with the result after allowing them some quality time with a bone burnisher. Now, I can "enjoy" the charming box instead of just hoarding it as more clutter. (At least 2 verifiable generations of those hoarders in my family; the jury's still out on exactly how debilitating it'll be to my funcitoning...:P)

Well, I'm off to (sleep) rip the specialty roof out of Sunlit Sky; but with best wishes for your pre-holiday stitchy weekend I remain

Yours in Stitching,

Edit: Erynne is having a super Giveaway to celebrate her 2nd Blogging anniversary: a $75 USD shopping spree at Anita's Little Stitches to one lucky entrant!


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