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Get your copy of The Daily Mel!

From Stitchy Giveaways

Mel, of The Daily Mel is having a giveaway to celebrate her 8th blogging anniversary/1000th post!

Whew! Now, it's a bit of a stretch to imagine that someone might read my blog who doesn't already read hers, but just in case DO check it out! The deadline for entry is Wednesday, 26 August 2009 at 11pm (Gee; I'm not sure what time zone she is...), and the prize package is astoundingly wonderful in its bounty! Follow the link at the top of this post for full details and entry directions. :D


Now, then, for stitching on the home front, I've started a few things, and even FINISHED a few things since I last made a post here on "PoPn'N" (Yes, I just randomly made up a silly acronym for my blog title...Reminds me of one of those games at Chuck E. Cheese's-type places that says, "LeeeeeEEEEtssss POP 'EM!!" Then, "HOLLLLD DA Balls!" Only it sounds like "Hold the phone". Or maybe "Bone" with a "P" so, = "Pone". Do they still have that "game", Moms of Blogland?)
But, The Camera is not cooperating. And, besides, I do kinda despise taking pics...(maybe it's just my loathing of The Camera...)

What kind of blog has no pics, you say? Well, There's one up there! ^
Mel's don't count, you say?

But, I can say this, I have finished a wonderfully watermelony summery sampler (stitching, not only eating), FOUR Christmas Ornies, and A scissors fob (which is a giftie, so no pix yet anyway). In truth, I am still contemplating adding the year to my watermelon love, so maybe I'm not QUITE finished yet. I need to take some pics and post it up for opinions from you Gentle Readers of Blogland!

Until Next Time, I Remain
Yours in Stitching,


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