Eat Your Carrot(s)!

On Monday morning, while sleepily checking my email/reader, I saw that Tanya of The Sampler Girl had released a new freebie: "eat your carrots".

Because it was such a glorious, spring-y,sunny morning, and because I've been doing fall stitching most of the winter (which I love, but don't want to do winter all spring...), and because Marc's nickname for me is some form of the word "Bunny", and because I LOVE pastel colours (I'm happy as a pig in, umn, mud when the spring comes because I can just roll in pastels, eyelet lace, and seersucker regardless of whether or not anyone I know's got a baby.), I decided this would be an easy, fast spring make which I could then finish and enjoy as spring comes on. I think we all need a little cheering up from the winter blues. So, at some length, I finished, and "finish-finished" it.

"eat your carrots"
The Sampler Girl
Start: 01 March 2010
End: 03 March 2010
Fabric: 1/2 on Mystery White Linen
Fibers: GAST Straw Basket, Grape Leaf, Avocado, Bayberry; DMC 3854, Anchor 305

I used some of that ubiquitous pink-bud seersucker (gosh, how I love that type of fabric!!), and some taupe stripe ticking (another favorite) as the complimentary fabrics. I wanted a half pastel-half prim look, and I'm reasonably satisfied with the result. Too bad almost I stuffed and/or ironed almost all the "seer" out of the "sucker", but I still find this rather saccharin print a guilty pleasure. :D

I noticed this morning that this finish has yarn hair. Not unlike a Cabbage Patch. I think it's the "pig tails". I'll do something about those guys later on; maybe tie more knots in them...or castrate them. It might be all in my own head, as I was too rough turning the pillow to begin with and thus endowed it with "ears", and so planting the seed of the idea that it's a plush with a "head" which is now sporting yarn hair, lol. What think you, Gentle Reader?

Well, It's time for me to slink back to the warm nest I've made of the couch. That fleeting Sunny Morning is long gone, but I still have my Sunbeam Blanket, so all will be well even if I am a bit under the weather this week. Happy stitches to you all, and Thanks for stopping by. If you see a creepy little doll peering at you from the upstairs window as you leave my house, don't worry, it's just my pillow-finish. :D

Your Couch-Dweller,


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