February Update!

I'm pretty strapped for titles here today--and not only blogging but also stitching mojo, as well! But, I'm glad I'm posting here today because I do have a few things to share. On with the blog! :D

I don't know about you guys, but Winter can really take it out of me. These past few years I seem really prone to seasonal insomnia--I still sleep 7-8 hours, but sleeping between midnight and 4-5 A.M.? Not on your life! I did pretty well today, sleeping at about 3 AM and waking up at 8:30, so I'm going to push for turning this anomaly into a trend! :D

Marc needs to get his professional portfolio sorted, but has built it up into a mountain of a task in his mind, so I convinced him to just spend an hour on it a night for the next few weeks rather than living in dread of the time when He'll "have" to spend 3 days on it without sleeping. :)

And, I figured I'd better join him and do some things I technically like to do or want done, but have convinced myself I don't want to actually do right now. (And it's always "Right Now" so if you won't ever do a thing Now, well, then you'll do it Never. Doesn't that sound like Alice in Wonderland somehow?)

Some of those tasks are Finishing, and so Ta-Dah:

My JBW French Apple from Christmas: Ironed, Padded, laced, and framed!

Fiber: DMC 310
Fabric: 32 ct. Vintage Antique Ivory Linen

Wearing a simple off-the-rack frame from Ikea.

Whew, what a lot of lacing! I thought I'd pad it with a layer of batting to give it a nice look and get it off the acid-y board...and then realized it looked a little gray, so I laced on a white cotton layer--is it muslin? Then, finally, my ironed piece.

It's quite thick, so I think I'll need to get some tiny felt-dot sticky "feet" to prop this off the wall a bit. Otherwise the piece will so itself! I'm still pondering about sealing the back somehow as I want to hang this in the kitchen near my workstation.

Also, I worked on JB Christmas Sampler. It felt like I made no progress, but...

Jenny Bean Before:

JB After(!):

Wow! I definitely did more than I thought--these before and after photos are a real shot in the arm. :D

The linen colour here is pretty accurate, at least on my monitor.

The Bonus Round:

• I have not forgotten the things I'm promised to send for my "decluttering" winners. no progress on that, but I'm still planning to!

• I recently made the Christmas Rum Cake Edgar Recommended last fall--if you're longing for those fun Christmas times when the cold seemed cheery and enjoyable rather than stiflingly snowy, I totally recommend you make it! I made it using ginger liqueur (ginger is very warming, lol!) because that's what I had, and I also grated some ginger into the glaze mix before cooking it. Considering that the liqueur is also made with ginseng, it's practically health food, lol! This was a big hit with friends (I made it to take to dinner at their place), and I want to make it again both with regular dark rum and with my alteration. It's so easy, even for "Not-A-Cook"s. If you can make a box cake, you can make this! Hit the first link for the recipe!

• In the final-final stretch of stitching my Freebie--then to the City to buy some finishing fabric, then finish, and then publish! Easy, right? (okay maybe not!) But, it is still coming for those of you who recall its existence. :)

I'm going to have some extra supplies left over from making the model and am thinking of selling a few kits if anyone winds up wanting to make one exactly like it. I tried to make it as simple and universal colorwise as I could, so there will not be any recommended fibers for the design itself. I wonder if anyone will want to stitch it at all--I do wonder a bit if I'm getting ahead of myself thinking that someone will not only want to make it, but with the same fibers and linen as my example--I can only hope!

Pining for a slice of an Already-Devoured Cake,


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