Giveaway (Stash Clear) Winners!

Happy Thursday, all!

Now that the Holiday Dust is settling, I figured I'd better get on with determining the winners of a little de-stash giveaway I ran...on December 2nd. Now, I know I said I'd do these *whenever* but I didn't quite plan on it taking over a month for me to get to work!

Thanks to everyone who entered; I wish I could magically multiply these items and give to all. I was touched anew with everyone commiserated with me or encouraged me about designing while sorting the entries! Thank you everyone for your kind friendship--I certainly don't feel like I was holding up my half of the relationship with so many of you this past quarter, so thank you even more with that consideration!


Item 1: Gentlemen Quaker by Jardin Prive:
Hazel of Quietly Stitching!

Hazel, you definitely do have to be in it to win it! :D You were actually random's second pick--the first lady wasn't playing.

Item 2: Santa Arrives Tonight Ornament by Homespun Elegance:
Myra of Gr8dame's Place!

Friend, I was momentarily heart-stricken when I read your entry for this one initially--I thought, "Oh, no--did I actually promise this one to Myra already!? I need to ask her and if I did I can just get another one and send it to her." But I still haven't done that...but then you won the random draw! Either way, it seems to be destined for you and I hope you enjoy it as I did!

Item 3: Antique Book:
Daffycat of It's Daffycat

Sharon, I'm so glad that you'll be giving this a home! I remember really admiring a photo for a giveaway that you stitched because of the styling you did with a book-themed background! I hope that this will be a useful addition to your collection! :D I don't think I have your postal addy, so please email it to me.

Also, if you got around to checking out Bookmooch and decided to join I'd like to give you 5 mooch points. :) Just include a link to your BM profile in that email and I'll use it to "smooch" them to you.

Item 4: 5 Bookmooch Points:
Omashee aka Barb of Barb's Stitches.

Just as I said above, please email me a link to your BM profile and I'll smooch 'em over! Enjoy!

Winners, I'll also send you emails as soon as I finish this post!


Now, Bonus Round:

• Absolutely NO model stitching happened this week--oops!

• I've been adding a strand to BBD Mystery most days this week and had a bit of progress (and then the frogs struck!) BUT I'm liking the linen more now b/c I think it makes the green look good. And there's an awful lot of green on this one. A green that looks ugly on the skein, but good on the linen. So, I'm gonna kick back and go for it. However slowly. :)

• Animal Crossing. It's a game that some people play, but for me it's more like faith I practice. And, this week I'm back on that sauce for the first time in about 10 months. :D

• Still saving for a new computer. Seems like I've been saving and saving, but still have only amassed about 1/3 of the purchase price. Before tax. Le Sigh. So, I'm just thankful that my Precious Powerbook (Now "'Ol Faithful" in it's 7th year!) hasn't failed me yet! "Baby, you may be legacy, but you you're hangin' in there!~"

I'm so looking forward to various things. Like being able to run Google's Chrome browser. Or watch youtube. I actually hate youtube, but...It'll be nice to be able to see (read stop having to explain to friends who own better-endowed rigs and don't listen to what I say that I can't run 'em!)what these vid links my friends send me contain. It would also be nice to run Skype AND Firefox AND a third application at the same time, lol!

• Please include us in your prayers--Health for us and Marc in particular with this cold he picked up from work--we need it to stay out of his ears! :) You are all in my prayers especially those who have asked and those in the path of this snow we're expecting.

• I picked up a whole striped bass on my way home from walking my first ever ebay sale (an old calculator) to the Post. I'm so excited by the fact that it's reposing in my 'fridge as I type--we're headed over to a friend's house who makes the most amazing food. I'm so excited that we seem to be reviving our weekly dinner tradition with them. :D You should taste his stir-fried broccoli! Oh, if only I had a gas stove. And a real wok. And was Chinese. ;)

Yours Fishfully,


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