The Lucky Giveaway Winners!

Happy Friday, everyone!

Without further ado, let's announce the lucky winners of last time's giveaway:

House Biscornu Winner: Joan

Redbird Sampler Pattern Winner: Patty C.

Ladies, I need your street addresses so I can get your prizes mailed out to you. :) I'm sending an email request for it to Patty via the email addy from her profile, but I don't see one on your profile, Joan, so please email it to me at the link in my profile. :D

Thanks for playing, everyone!

We've had a few bumps in the road this week, too. Most significantly, Dear Marc ate a solid helping of an unfortunate broccoli salad at the salad bar on Saturday from which he gained a robust case of food poisoning that just won't quit! Later in the week, I was a bit under the weather myself, but thankfully it was a more garden-variety ailment of the monthly persuasion, and no cause for alarm. We both seem to be perking up with today's sunshine. It's the first in a while, so maybe I can do some finishing and get some pictures taken. Speaking of those little devils, while my own little nest is approaching sparkly my desk's clutter condition has taken a nosedive, and I can't at all find my card reader, so no pics today! I think it reached the tipping point after I spent yesterday helping my friend edit his graduate thesis--all that printing, ugh! I'll clear her out today, if all goes as planned.

Mostly, things are good, however. :D I'm all-but-finished with my summer exchange (need only to "cinch" a biscornu–AND I already made the extras), I'm ready to stuff a beaded-edge RAK (It's so cute I'm bonding with it, which means it's definitely good enough to gift away!), and I'm having fun customizing a design for a new start. :D

Yours with wishes you'll have a great, stitchy week-end,


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