Surprises in the Mail!

Look at this wonderful package I received from Myra in today's mail!

A wonderful pouch and an autumn/Halloween LK pattern! I was so surprised when I opened the pouch and found the pattern tucked in--I thought it was a piece of cardboard included to keep it nice in the shipping! :o

The back is so nice; it is really beautifully made, and even lined inside!

A close-up of the yellow zipper (!!!) and zipper pull--it's a feather that wonderfully compliments the feathery leaves of the print. :)

Myra, thank you so much--I am just beside myself with excitement! I'm thinking carefully on what to store in it--it's so nice that I almost can't bring myself to use it! :D Maybe a new WiP is in order, lol!

And now back to cleaning and my new project, which you'll recognize from Staci's blog, lol! I'm really enjoying putting the 115 Becky gave me to good use! :)

With best wishes for your weekend,


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