A Wonderful RAK Arrives from the "Queen Bee" of Our Little Hive. :)

What a miserable day it's been outside! It's just a snowin' and a snowin' out there, but as the weather's been above freezing for several days prior it's doing nothing more than making the most un-picturesque slush imaginable! The report said 18-odd inches, however, so Dear Marc's company shuttered their doors as a preventative measure against stranded office-ites. So, he's been here all day, yet I can't quite "settle in". I wish I were a cat today; they always know how to curl-up and cozy-in, and should the weather spite them they know just the degree of disdain to exhibit so it knows they are unmoved. :D

I've been stalking the post with eager eyes these past couple of days as I was awaiting the delivery of this:

Lizzie Kate Quick It: Sampling Halloween, 30 ct. WDW Havana Linen (as called for), CC Stepping Stone (The one colour neither I nor the LNS had for NIKM ABC's from BBD), PS Santa 2006 (My favorite of their Santas!), and the Kelmscott Tudor Rose Scissors!

The fruits of a RAK gift certificate from Becky! I was on the fence for a long, long time about what to get, but finally had my mind made up for me when Myra, who received a similar gift, posted about getting The Same Item I'd been contemplating getting, which is the LK Halloween Quick-It with a cut of WDW Havana Linen. :D Myra is a great blogger, and I've so enjoyed knowing her since I first found her blog through the original Tiny Treasures Exchange we were both a part of. We were never partners, but I was new to xstitch blogging, and I checked out most all of the other members' blogs trying to get a feel for things. Myra is so talented and funny, and her works are so enjoyable to watch; I feel like she is just really enjoying herself with the things she makes! I'm really hoping that when spring comes, she'll be reinvigorated to tackle Dog's Day Out ;).

So, overall I was able to knock 2 charts off my wish list, try out a new brand (WDW) and count (30) of linen, "fill out my troop roster" for a WiP, and feed my scissors need! :D I feel like all my deliberating paid off in bigtime mileage! :D

More scissors porn! *squee* I've been wanting these puppies since they came out. Next up on my hit list is the Steweb style (also from Kelmscott). I've decided to stop (for today, at least, lol) pining for the Mia from Ginger (which seem to be about as common as a Gryphon) and those $500 Fox 'n Grapes scissors!

And here's another, 'cause it shows the linen color more accurately. (But, I can't say I'd spare you it even if it didn't!)


I'd like to take a moment to thank you all so much for your kind visits and comments! Thanks for your kind words regarding Eileen's Mixer--I'll be doing my best to live up to it! If I could, I'd send every one of you a cookie! If you're *very* (and I do mean exceptionally) lucky you'll get one of the ones that are a full moon rather than a "crescent". ;)

Your Crumby Friend,


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