Remember Heart

Hello, Everyone! I'd like to share my version of BlackBird Designs' Souvenir de France today. (^_^)

Un Souvenir du Coeur

This was my first time using this sort of blanket stitch appliqué with the raveled edges; I used Anchor perle cotton--love this colour!! I wish I could remember on whose blog I saw a brief tutorial on this technique! In any case, thank you!

I made this for the Valentine's Exchange on the Holiday Exchange Group which is moderated by BeckySC. So, I added my own name (Berit) and that of the recipient (April) along with the year and the name of the group.

Around the time I was making up this walnut-filled pyn pillow, I also upgraded my cell phone to one which had a 3.2 MegaPixel camera, which made it superior (in many respects) to our old Kodak 3.1. Now, I can enjoy the ultimate in lazy blog-photograpy: The good ol' "snap it with your phone then text to your email" procedure. I actually HATE taking/uploading/cropping pictures. I think this is for many reasons, but may be most influenced by the fact that I used to work in a photo lab. I know many/most of you stitchers own really fine SLR digicams (and I'd love one too), but I still think it's impressive that the above image was shot by my cell phone!

...And this one, too. You'd better hope I tire of this "camera" soon!

Now, I spent most of December stitching this one up because I wanted to make it nice: I don't think I have to tell you that Becky and her friends are No Slouches, and I'm a relative novice at only about a year of stitching/being in the online stitchery. And, The part I was most nervous about was The Finishing. I'm also a new owner of a sewing machine, and I decided I'd try making a turned pillow and using fusible interfacing AND stuffing it with walnut shells...all at once!

I had a bit of a bad experience with the walnuts shells: my first bag of them from PetsMart was all full of spiderwebs/insect filaments and so I grumpily decided to return it. When I got there, they rather urgently informed me that it was contaminated with paper moths and enumerated a laundry list of precautions to prevent an infestation in my home: I had rather foolishly thrown out about 1 cup of the offending litter in my kitchen garbage, you see.

So, Stitchers, heed my Cautionary Tale: Carefully peek through the bag around the printing to see if you see any insect silk at the top of the walnut bag before you buy!

Ah, yes. The photo. After all this, I wanted to close it neatly, using what I only knew as "That invisible stitch for closing pillows", which turns out to be called a "Ladder Stitch". And, there above you can see my first attempt: Not half bad, though I say it myself! :D

Adding hearts to this pyn pillow sure was enjoyable!

I also sent along some Heart & Bear (Rilakkuma) stickers, DMC stitchbows, and a heart-shaped acrylic magnetic frame from Ikea (one of my happy places :). To Becky, thank you so much for letting me participate in this exchange, and to April, I enjoyed stitching for you and am very glad you liked what I made!

"Un Souvenir du Coeur"
32 Ct. Natural Linen
Fibers: GAST Antique Rose and Apple Cider, Anchor Perle-8: 375

What's Next: Stitching on Fox Forest continues (What a joy this one is!), I also picked up When Witches again for a while, but boy does that have a lot of black! I grew weary quickly. I'm still working on the bottom, stitching in the witch and etc. Monday will bring a new installment of the HalloSAL Sampler, and I've also agreed to be part of the HE Easter exchange (Already getting ideas for this one!). But, wait--Becky announced an Arbor Day exchange. I do LOVE trees, and am so tempted to join in: Oh, the dangers of over-committing! But, I'm getting (I think) a great idea for this one, too!

Finally, the Valentine I stitched for myself is all done, now for the "finishing" I have 2 appropriate backing fabrics, and myriad buttons oh-so-charming; it may come down to a vote from you, dear reader, if my decision-making should fail me! :D :D :D

I want to thank everyone who has been reading and/or commenting on my blog lately. There are ever so many wonderful blogs and sites and things to do/visit on the web--it makes me very happy that you've spent a few moments here! I've been trying to return comments and visit all the blogs I can in good etiquette, but I often fall short. Please continue to regard me kindly!


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