Giveaway Shoutouts!

I really do hesitate to turn this space into an add for other blogs, but when people start giving away such great stuff how can I resist? :) So, if you somehow see them on my little corner of the XS blogosphere and don't know them, pop over to their blogs and check 'em out! Free stuffs! Great WIPs! Movie Classics Views (from Edgar)!

Aaand, speak of the devil--first up is Edgar, a great movie and quaker-loving guy who seems to be involved in the mail art exchanges. I don't know much about these, but everytime I see them on someone's blog it seems that the envelope, address and all was stitched up, postage added, and sent naked through the post!! What's inside? All in all, I admire the daring of these stitchers. I could no more put a "naked" piece in a postbox than I could a newborn babe, lol! Ah, but well! His stitching is great and it's fun to catch his movie opinons; classics seem to be his faves! He has recently finished that "Lo how a Rose" Sampler that's all over the 'net like brushfire, and is giving away the (christmas?) book it is contained in! Go enter for you chance! :)

Next, is one that I DO think EVERYONE knows about: Nina is celebrating her 2-year blogaversary by giving away a sweet set of box and scissor fob--I think they even have her own hand-dyed floss! Wow, would I love to win this! Wouldn't you? You'll have to be quick as the deadline is April 30th at Midnight, but check out the conditions for entry! One of them is that you show a pic of your scissor collection! This works out perfectly, as I LOVE scissors, and had been planning to show off my modest little hoard soon anyway! Anti-procrastination, Yay!

From My crow-treasures

And here they are! I feel that I really must apologise for this terrible cell phone photo. I DO have a modest little point & shoot digicam, but of course the battery wants charging! I am beginning to feel that I truly do need a new cell--in January it was time for me to get a new phone "free" (with contract renewal and all that), but the phones were either lousy, expensive (for premium models), or I just didn't like them. And I DO like my current phone just fine...except that it takes exceedingly lousy blog photos! Ten years ago, when I was in High School and my dear friend's dad got a cell for busines, I would have never guessed that I'd be contemplating getting a new cell simply because I wanted a better camera for posting pics to the internet!! Wow, what I long way we have come! Too bad it can't all be for the better, though!

I had wanted to show you my works-in-progress, but that will have to wait for me to get the mojo to charge the camera batteries! lol!


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