Can it be that Spring is coming?

Previously, On Jenny Bean : And, after Saturday: Yowza, WAY more than I thought even though it's been so long since I posted! :o As I close in on the verse I'm pondering what it should be. I decided to change the verse almost before I began stitching; I get that it's Shakespeare, but somehow it smacks of starvation and poverty to me. :/ How Festive.( Love's Labor's Lost isn't numbered among his work's that I've read, so I likely don't *get* it, but...) I looked into other Christmas quote-ables, but most of the ones I liked were too snarky to be sampler-suitable. In lieu of inspiration, I considered enumerating the ingredients of a tin of tea I had, as they appeared in French. French is *so needlework*. Names of fruits and spices--it could work!!! But, this week It struck me that I could just use the lorem ipsum ! This seems like a fabulous idea to ME, but that might just be my graphic design roots and lack of sleep talking. lol! Hey, I can even arg...