A Wonderful RAK Arrives from the "Queen Bee" of Our Little Hive. :)

What a miserable day it's been outside! It's just a snowin' and a snowin' out there, but as the weather's been above freezing for several days prior it's doing nothing more than making the most un-picturesque slush imaginable! The report said 18-odd inches, however, so Dear Marc's company shuttered their doors as a preventative measure against stranded office-ites. So, he's been here all day, yet I can't quite "settle in". I wish I were a cat today; they always know how to curl-up and cozy-in, and should the weather spite them they know just the degree of disdain to exhibit so it knows they are unmoved. :D I've been stalking the post with eager eyes these past couple of days as I was awaiting the delivery of this: Lizzie Kate Quick It: Sampling Halloween, 30 ct. WDW Havana Linen (as called for), CC Stepping Stone (The one colour neither I nor the LNS had for NIKM ABC's from BBD), PS Santa 2006 (My favorite of their Santas!), and th...