Remember Heart

Hello, Everyone! I'd like to share my version of BlackBird Designs' Souvenir de France today. (^_^) Un Souvenir du Coeur This was my first time using this sort of blanket stitch appliqué with the raveled edges; I used Anchor perle cotton--love this colour!! I wish I could remember on whose blog I saw a brief tutorial on this technique! In any case, thank you! I made this for the Valentine's Exchange on the Holiday Exchange Group which is moderated by BeckySC . So, I added my own name (Berit) and that of the recipient ( April ) along with the year and the name of the group. Around the time I was making up this walnut-filled pyn pillow, I also upgraded my cell phone to one which had a 3.2 MegaPixel camera, which made it superior (in many respects) to our old Kodak 3.1. Now, I can enjoy the ultimate in lazy blog-photograpy: The good ol' "snap it with your phone then text to your email" procedure. I actually HATE taking/uploading/cropping pictures. I think this ...