"Autumn Apace!" -or- "A Fungus Among Us!?"

I'm adding in a signature section at the bottom of Delivering Autumn, and thought you might like to see the development. :D

Meanwhile, a lurker in our midst: this morning Marc is calling me from the Bathroom asking if I've seen "This"; seen "It". I kept replying, "No, what is it?" and only got the same question from him. Finally, he told me.

It was a Mushroom. Growing. From. A. Crack. In. The. Ceiling. Of. Our. Bathtub.

Now, we live in an Apartment, which means that there's probably some leak from the neighbor's pipes above. I just cannot tell you how bad things like mold are for your health. I've been doing so much research for this lately (Knowledge is Paranoia, as Marc says) surrounding my detox diet. After obsessing and working and tracking and dosing and God knows what for weeks, I had just had it.

I asked Marc to stay home for a bit and deal with the Landlord when he arrived because I knew I'd either cling to the poor man and weep inconsolably in my panic, or shred him mercilessly with my razor-sharp claws. Neither seemed like a viable interaction for solving this problem. Thankfully, he was able to do so, though with 3 or 4 anxious you're-on-the-road-in-right calls from the office.

Folks, I've been on a special diet for weight loss before this for about a year, but now the delightful "New Features of the Last Several Weeks":

* No sugar or starch (from one year ago, but done with breaks and exceptions, now, no exceptions.)

* No sugar substitutes/artificial sugars.
* No Caffeine (I do love my tea.)
* I can drink only room-temperature or warmer (not cold) distilled water.
* No fermented products (Vinegar is a no, unless it's unpasteurized. EVERYTHING has vinegar in it. I can't even eat mustard, folks).
* Maybe I could eat some dairy, but probably not. So, I'm not.
* Oh, yeah, No sugar means No Fruit (though I can eat about a handful of berries occasionally.


* No Mushrooms.

I need a moment. Like maybe one that lasts about a week and is located in a posh spa, lol. Where there are no mushrooms growing from the sheetrock.

Let's ALL have a great weekend, folks. For now, I'm off to stitch and Ignore the Fungus. Which was dutifully removed by Marc, but...well. Define "removed".


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