"Graffiti Jack"

A new start! But first~ Here's "Graffiti Jack" He's a gray tabby with the trademark "M" , and possibly my favorite character in Anno Moyocco's Ochibi-san , which I've been reading lately. I could go on for a while about how lovely this little Japanese newspaper strip is (Think along the lines of Winnie the Pooh or Calvin and Hobbs with a highlight on the deep regard of the Japanese of Nature and her Seasons), but that's not today's point. :) Here follows a December entry featuring Jack: For the sake of Translation: Last night's new start! :D "Stitching Necessaire" by Homespun Elegance. Recommended Belle Soie on 28ct. Antique Vintage Ivory. :3 "Dash-Away Jack" (Truly, this is a lovely little painting like so many from this book) "Out-on-a-Jaunt Jack"? Am I the only one who sees a resemblance? :3 I'm off to eat a burger (yumm!) and stitch more on this fun project! Yours Cat-obsessedly, Berit P.S. On a more ...