An Autumnal Harvest of Stash Arrives

Greetings, Stitchers, from Hot, hot, hot Northern New Jersey. How hot is it? Well, only 100. And the humidity's not too bad...I keep reminding myself that it's like this for 3.5 months straight in Tulsa, Oklahoma (my hometown). But, enough of that, to put things in perspective, it's: • 30 degrees Fahrenheit hotter than it's been for the past 10 days. (Well, starting on the 4th it reached that mark.) • So hot that Friend Greg had to shamble over to Friend Tak's place yesterday because his power went out. Nary a cloud in the sky--so I was confused. Tak patiently explained that it's because it's hot and our power grid is old. • So hot that the 2 window units are just barely passing muster--which means the one in the bedroom will frost up (humidity's climbing) soon, freeze over and refuse to work. In conclusion, it's just Too Hot for New Jersey. I'm still amused that the NYC mayor declares a "Heat Wave" and talks of things like free city po...