"...And Black Cats Are Seen."
Miaou!~ "When Witches Go Riding And Black Cats Are Seen... The Moon Laughs and Whispers, 'Tis Near Hallowe'en." I started this little guy with plans to make a cute floss tag to match PS When Witches... , which I've prepared--I actually blocked out a perimeter grid on last night. I wanted to make a "small" after the rather large (to me) BtSS. I'm going to be starting at the bottom on When Witches because I don't have "enough" blackbird to stitch the whole thing (I need 2 skeins, though I'm gonna' buy 3 matching because running out on BtSS has made me suspicious.) I'm planning to use some Belle Soie Lasagne (Quite possibly the best Hallowe'en colour ever) to fill in the orange section with a satin stitch! :D The full version will use a cotton CC, (Colonial?) Copper. Aaaand, here's a progress pic on BtSS: I felt that I didn't get much progress on this one at all, though when I compared it to Monday's shots I su...